Amel Association International (Amel) is a Lebanese and non-sectarian NGO created in 1979. Amel works through 32 centers, 6 mobile medical units, 2 mobile education units and 1 protection unit, and for 42 years has supported the poorest regions of Lebanon, from Beirut and its South Suburbs to Mount Lebanon, Bekaa and South Lebanon. Amel offers accessible services for all in the following fields: food security, health, education, protection, child protection, gender-based violence, livelihood, promotion and protection of human rights, rural development.


1- Improving the learning performances of 200 children at risk of school drop out

2- Enhancing a learning environment that is supportive for girls’ education of 200 vulnerable children

3- Engaging the local community in the promotion of education for all

Through the completion of these objectives, the project aims to empower the most vulnerable children in their learning journey through their successful school retention. With the support of a larger group of community members (children, youths, adults), the Kunu Antou team (retention support project) will have a positive impact on the whole community and strengthen the right to quality education for all as well as enhancing gender-responsive pedagogy.

Within this project, the animators will be strongly involved for the implementation of:

– Art and psychosocial support activities for 200 children

Outdoor / indoor community events

Task #1: Providing high-quality and structured recreational activities:  

– Implement recreational activities according to the PSS monthly plan designed with the social worker & the psychologist for the children enrolled in schools;

– Work closely with the social worker on the content of PSS sessions and adapt them according to the needs;

– Use and develop efficient playful methods to keep the children’s attention (ex: active learning, learning by doing, storytelling, puppet theater, etc.);

– Encourage the children’s cooperation and self-learning (peer to peer, tutoring, mutual help, etc.) to develop children’s readiness for learning;

– Establish routines with the children during “activities time”, whether online or face-to-face activities (introduction, warm up activities, revision of previous activities, transition, conclusion, etc.).

Task #2: Protection:

– To be fully aware of Amel’s Code of Conduct and Safeguarding policies and procedures and to ensure its implementation;

– Maintain positive discipline practices ensuring that children feel comfortable, safe and respected;

To support the social worker / psychologist in engaging the children in the activities (communication skills);

Be ready to support in the organization of any specific activities to respond to urgent needs;

– To implement continuously the protective measures for health protection.

Task #3: Monitoring & evaluation

– Design relevant tools to assess the activities’ results (pre/posttest, personal observations, focus group discussion, etc.);

– To monitor the attendance of the children on a daily basis (each session);

– To report to the social worker the results on time.

Task #4: Coordination:

– To coordinate on a daily basis with the Kunu Antou team members to adapt the collective response to the children’s needs (coherent response with social worker, psychologist, etc.);

– To send clear pictures of the activities on the common WhatsApp group;

– Take initiative to find collective solutions to challenges due to context / situation changes and adapt the project’s activities according to the retention support project goal (coordination meetings);

– To deal properly with disclosers and to ensure smooth referrals with the social worker / psychologist for individual cases (internal referral pathways).

Working hours: 4 days a week, an average of 12-14 weekly working hours.

Monthly incentive: 480 USD / month

DEADLINE: 24 /1 /2023