The GFFO-Medico-Amel primary health care project will currently run until early 2018. It aims to deliver primary health care services to the populations affected by the Syrian crisis, in the Bekaa and Beirut suburbs, both through Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and through Mobile Medical Units (MMUs). The project covers the PHCs of Ersal, Mashghara, Haret Hreik and Bourj el Barajneh and the Mashghara mobile clinic, and also includes awareness session in El Ain MMU.
Throughout its twenty five months, the project aims to provide more than 75,000 consultations across Lebanon, to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese. Within the project, beneficiaries receive subsidized consultations, free medication, free lab tests and preventative health awareness sessions.
Amel has been regularly in partnership with Medico International since the 80s, working together through a number of crises that have affected Lebanon and the people residing within the country. GFFO has been funding Medico-Amel health projects since 1982, through which access to primary health care to vulnerable individuals has been enhanced significantly.