Today, on July 16th 2020, Dr Kamel Mohanna, President of Amel Association International, along with Amel’s team, welcomed in its Ersal Health & Social center the French ambassador to Lebanon, H.E. Bruno Foucher, the Director of the Institut Francais du Liban, Veronique Aulagnon, together with the Head of the Ersal municipality and a representative of the Syrian community.

During the visit, the delegation had the opportunity to discussion with the populations accessing medical and child protection activities at Amel center. This visit enabled Dr Mohanna to stress the importance of solidarity in these harsh times to offer dignity to all individuals living in Lebanon.

He also highlighted how critical the aid given to Amel by its partners is in order to help the most vulnerable, particularly the support received by the French Embassy and the Agence Française de Developpement, as well as the partners supporting Ersal center and in particular the German NGO Medico International (in cooperation with the GFFO and the BMZ), UNFPA and the Belgian Foreign Affairs Ministry.