Giving Hope to School Dropout Children and Youth


Arabic, English, Math, Computer, and life skills. These are the courses that girls and boys (both Syrian and Lebanese) can attend at the Amel’s centers in Beirut and Mount Lebanon as part of the Youth Literacy and Numeracy (YLN) project.

This project responds to the specific need of youngsters to catch up with their studies, when for different reasons they could not have continued or even started it. In fact, the YLN project’s target is made up by both children and youths between 14 and 24 years of age, who have dropped out of school for at least two years, or those who have never been enrolled.

Since the beginning of the Syrian Crisis in 2011, access to public education has posed particular challenges for Syrian children and youth living in Lebanon. Thus, in 2012, Amel, and within its emergency plan “Response to the Syrian Crisis” established several projects that improve access to education, in particular, though non-formal and protected education programs (homework support, remedial classes, accelerated learning programs), which are currently being implemented across Lebanon through a number of Amel’s centers.