The Community Center of Ain El Remmaneh (Health, Education, Empowerment)
What We Do ?
The area of Ain El Remaneh (suburb of Beirut) is one of the most vulnerable areas in Lebanon where 5,000 Syrian refugees and 10,000 Lebanese reside. Amel has been operating a center in Ain El Remaneh since 2007, targeting refugees, marginalized Lebanese and Palestinian communities. Within this framework, Amel implements activities related to the following sectors: protection, education, vocational training and food security.
Protection and vocational training
The protection and vocational training activities have been implemented since 2007 and benefit from the financial support of UNHCR. Initially, the center hosted only refugees (mostly Iraqis and Sudanese), but with the Syrian crisis and since 2012, the targeted populations have been redefined to include Syrian refugees and host communities. A comprehensive program is offered by the center and includes various activities such as vocational training, English and French courses, computer courses, recreational sessions, a youth committee, women's committee, outings, awareness sessions, psychological support, etc. Every month, 500 individuals benefit from these activities, which are conducted on a remotely during the period of confinement. In addition, the center hosts the "Mann Hiya" cooperative (which means "where does it come from?" in French). This is a group of women that produce handicrafts, sold in Lebanon and abroad.
The center hosts non-formal education activities for 150 Syrian and Lebanese children, as part of a program supported by the German NGO KNH of a non-formal education program. Recreational and sports activities, psychological support and events with community members are also organized. During periods of confinement, these activities are conducted on a remotely.
Child Protection
Since January 2021, Amel has been implementing, due to the growing needs in terms of mental health and protection, activities with children and their parents including individual case management, face-to-face, and psycho-social support activities with the community and "focused" remotely, as well as awareness raising and "positive parenting" actions. More than 700 people are benefiting from this program, implemented in partnership with MdM France, via funding from AFD. In addition, in partnership with ABAAD, Amel is initiating child protection activities, with a focus on gender-based violence, in the framework of its cooperation with the UNHCR.
Primary health

Since September 2021, due to the growing needs related to health, resulting from the explosions in Beirut and the socio-economic situation, as well as on the basis of the needs expressed by the affected populations, and the actors involved, Amel has set up a primary health unit, with the financial support of its solidarity fund as well as the German NGO Medico International. Within this framework, 200 patients, Lebanese and Syrian refugees, benefit from general practitioner, pediatric and gynecological/obstetric consultations including the distribution of essential medicines. In addition, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, a home-based care program is being implemented. Last month, 242 cases were monitored including: home visits, hospital referrals, oxygen therapy and vitamin distribution.
Food security
A vertical garden, a vegetable garden and a collective kitchen, as well as professional training in food production (cooking classes), have been de-escalated in the center, with the financial support of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Food Aid (France) in 2015.
Protection of the elderly
Since October 2021, in order to respond to the growing needs of protection of the elderly, Amel has initiated actions in this sense, through its center in Ain El Remmaneh, including: individual needs assessment, home visits with medical consultations and nursing support, distribution of essential medications, peer support sessions, individual sessions with a psychotherapist and distribution of hot meals. More than 2,000 people benefit from these activities, which are carried out in partnership with Caritas Germany.