Amel HQ - Musseitbeh

What We Do ?

Amel Association International headquarter includes Amel House of Human Rights (AHHR) which is aiming to develop advanced programs related to Law and Human Rights in collaboration with Universite La Sagesse in Lebanon.
Moreover, Amel’s House of Human Rights organizes a two-weeks yearly summer school focusing on law and armed conflicts with a range of 50 participants from the Arab world. Among a large number of training programs, the summer school offers visual advocacy courses, awareness sessions on the Palestinian conflict as well as international law and armed conflict courses. This unique initiative gives the opportunity to the new generation to better understand the main challenges faced by the Middle East.
the HQ Center also includes a central repository for medications which is equipped according to the standards of the Ministry of health.
“MENNA” goods and coffee shop is also located in Amel’s Head quarter building.

Fax: +9611305646
Musseitbeh, Salim Slam Bridge, Daoud Abou Chakra Str, Amel Bldg

How to reach us