On the road to Istanbul: How can the World Humanitarian Summit make humanitarian response more effective?


Bringing together 13 leading humanitarian thinkers to discuss challenges to greater humanitarian effectiveness, On the road to Istanbul, the 2015 edition of the Humanitarian Accountability Report, offers concrete solutions to many of the issues raised during the regional consultations for the World Humanitarian Summit.

Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, the chief of the World Humanitarian Summit secretariat, said: “We all want to ensure the World Humanitarian Summit is worth the climb. To do that, we need ambitious but actionable ideas such as those found in this timely report.” Written with the support of more than 30 peer reviewers, the report suggests that in order to improve effectiveness, the humanitarian sector should build upon and reinforce five key areas:

  1. principled humanitarian response, which builds trust and facilitates access;
  2. standards, which have shown to support appropriate, effective and timely aid;
  3. national capacity, the strengthening of which is essential for effective and sustainable humanitarian response;
  4. collective accountability, which requires inclusiveness, transparency and a common language;
  5. good people management practices, which are paramount for effective aid.

Click on each of the above to view and discuss the key recommendations for each thematic area, as well as download the related chapters from the report. You can also download individually the introduction to the report, and its conclusions.

Download the entire report

Praise for the 2015 Humanitarian Accountability Report

Sida congratulates the CHS Alliance for launching the Humanitarian Accountability Report 2015 recognising it as an important contribution to the necessary analysis on how make humanitarian response more effective. The questions, ideas and visions put forth throughout the report are key ingredients for positive change in the way humanitarian needs are met.” Peter Lundberg, Head of the Humanitarian Unit of The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

The SCHR welcomes the launch of the 2015 Humanitarian Accountability Report,  a must read for all humanitarians. It provides us with a comprehensive analysis of the most recent developments to live up to our commitments to be accountable to people affected by crisis and proposes innovative approaches to progress further. An essential resource ahead of the World Humanitarian Summit. Yves Daccord, Chair, Steering Commitee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR)