On the 10th of July, the Migrant Domestic Workers project’s Team from Amel Association International had the great opportunity to present their “Lived Experience” research findings and recommendations -the result of a year of research- to international partners from ANMR (Arab Network for Migrant Rights) and South Asia in Amman, Jordan.

This was part of a three day conference ‘Women’s Rights to Mobility and Work: A Civil Society Dialogue’, gathering civil society organisations from MENA/Gulf regions and South Asia region – countries sending and hosting migrant domestic workers – to exchange knowledge on social justice and community led initiatives for change.
We strongly believe that the struggle for human rights, in order to be effective and incisive, requires both a solid commitment to research and data collection, and a continuous exchange of information and ideas between civil society actors engaged in this same struggle.
Over the past year, Amel has conducted research, funded by SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), led by GAATW (the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women) focusing on the lived and voiced experiences of female, migrant, domestic workers in Lebanon, along with eight other partners from countries of origin and countries of destination, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Bahrain and Nepal. And the full study will soon be published, with key findings and recommendations.