Vulnerable groups in Lebanon face major challenges in accessing the right to health, this is especially true for refugees and people living in marginalized and remote areas. Medical services are mostly located in large cities and the health care sector is mostly private and too costly for vulnerable people.
This is why as a part of its vision, Amel Association International, has focused on securing primary health care services for vulnerable groups through its medical centres and mobile medical units across Lebanon. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in Lebanon, Amel has continued to provide front line support through its 14 nationwide primary health care facilities and 5 mobile units, integrating this new challenge into its commitment to marginalised people.
Amongst these healthcare facilities, 9 of these (see map below) are leading in a new initiative – a nexus collaboration, responding to both emergency and development healthcare needs, through the support of BMZ and GFFO, in partnership with Medico International.
Since mid-2019, within the framework of the project, these centres have been ensuring access to a low-cost primary health care package, including generalist and specialist (paediatric, gynaecological, dermatological, neurological, cardiological, rheumatological etc) consultations, chronic and acute medication, diagnostics and patient awareness. Within the framework the BMZ there is a particular emphasis on mother and child health , SRH and family planning. GFFO meanwhile supports mobile medical facilities working in some of the most remote areas, in addition to supporting generalist and specialist services in the centres.

The activities ensure a community-based approach, equipping local communities with the tools to take preventative health action as well as a first response service when possible. Among these activities are community health awareness sessions conducted through key community members or “peer educators”, as well as community first aid trainings.
To contribute to the overall strengthening of the Lebanese primary health care structure, these health facilities collaborate closely with the MoPH, working towards the necessary network and accreditation quality standards.
Whilst Covid-19 has proved challenging across all sectors, Amel appreciates BMZ, GFFO and Medico for providing continuous and essential support to frontline health care staff and the most vulnerable populations. Through this support, Amel has been able to equip staff with 1500 PPEs which is so direly needed to fight the pandemic, especially that free Covid-19 PCR tests has taken a place in 2 of Amel centres so far, including a BMZ/GFFO/Medico supported centre – Bourj el Barajneh.

Amel wants to take this opportunity to thank our supporting partners in ensuring the safe continuity of frontline staff working to bring essential health services to those who otherwise would have nowhere to turn to for help.