A boy bears the name of the barren land; thus complementing to the old Arab saying that every man has a share of his name! This is Bayar.
In 2012, a mother and her two children arrived in Beirut, stripped out of everything, stunned by the horrors of the bloody war in Syria, coming from a small town in the north east. Since then, the lives of these children and their mother has taken a dramatic turn, confined by the inability to secure a decent life, becoming entitled as “refugees”, in a city like Beirut!
Bayar, the younger brother, now at 10 years of age, and along with his brother found the streets as a place for refuge. They were both trying to seek a living for their mother, who strived at all times to secure a shelter by asking people around, NGOs, and even mosques until she found a tiny unequipped room in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut.
Amel’s specialized Protection Mobile Unit, met the two brothers in the street, and thus were adopted by the project and the mobile unit’s team started providing primary health care and psychosocial support to the family.
This unit started operating in partnership with the French NGO Samusocial International, aiming at providing street children and their families with medical and psychosocial support, in vulnerable areas of the southern suburbs of Beirut, as a response for the widespread phenomenon of street children in the city.
Amel’s communication team met with Bayar in the framework of #SuperBATAL campaign, intending to shed lights on the lives of these refugee children, by launching the first story on the World Refugee Day.
Seven more interviews with other #SuperBATAL ’s will be published consecutively every Wednesday for the upcoming two months.
Every child we met, has heroes as idols, and dreams in their lives, like anyone of us.

My name is Bayar; I am from Syria, the country that is suffering from an ugly war. But I will always love it, and will always dream of returning back to my homeland.
I dream of having Spider Man’s superpowers so that I can defend all frightened children, all vulnerable people who are running away from evil.
I work at a barber shop now, but I dream of becoming a pediatrician, to heal every child’s pain. Although I never went to school, maybe I will, whenever I will go back to Syria, as I was not accepted in various schools in Lebanon.
If I had Spider Man’s superpowers, I would take all the money of the evil people and distribute it to poor children so that they can have a better life, than OURS!
I dream of someday having my own blue bed, and a pair of roller skates beside my bed. And above all I dream of returning to my beloved Syria where I can play freely with all my relatives.
My message to all the children of the world is: Be a #SuperBatal and go to school!
By Zakieyah Koronfol