Sawsan’s Sunday Morning at the Amel Center in Chiyah


It’s Sunday morning at the Chiyah Amel Center

People are sitting in different rooms; some are learning English, others Arabic, and in the next room, they are learning how to apply makeup and style hair. On the balcony, people are sitting together, joking and laughing with each other.

Most of the people here at the Amel Center came to Lebanon as migrants to earn money for themselves and their families. Some were lured by false promises, while others were aware of the situation, but many of the migrant workers rely on support in various areas.

Sawsan, the daughter of a Lebanese father and a Sierra Leonean mother, sought help because of her housing situation. When the contract ended, her landlord wanted to increase her rent or force her out, which is something she could not afford with her restaurant job.

At the Amel Center in Chiyah Sawsan found help with her problem and a lot more opportunities. Now she can speak not only Arabic but can also tell her own story in very good English, thanks to the classes at the center.

Sawsan now comes to the Amel Center every Sunday.

“This is the best place in Lebanon, they help you, they laugh with you, and they encourage you “

What Sawsan particularly likes is the way people interact.

“There is no shouting or rude behavior, the people are very good here “

This is rare, as migrants are often discriminated against. The safe space at the Amel Center is all the more beautiful, where attendees help each other with their problems without the involvement of Amel staff.