Bourj Hammoud


Safe Space for Women and Girls in Bourj Hammoud

What We Do ?

Amel Association International "Safe Space for Girls and Women” Center was launched in Bourj Hammoud, during the year 2021, within the framework of the project "Developing safe spaces for girls and women to prevent and respond to cases of gender-based violence in Lebanon", which aims to involve girls, women and community members in developing Flexible protection spaces and mechanisms that help reduce gender-based violence in Lebanon, in cooperation with local and international partners.
This center, funded by the Belgian Embassy, aims at being a safe space for the protection and empowerment of Lebanese & refugee women and girls who are directly affected by gender-based violence, and through it along with other safe spaces launched by a Amel across Lebanon (Bourj Hammoud, Mashghara, Doris, Kafr Hamam and Nabatiyeh), Amel is Working with community members exposed to various forms of gender-based violence, in addition to training members of the municipal police, members of the educational and administrative staff in private, semi-private and public schools, human rights activists, teachers and pharmacists, so that all stakeholders in the community are involved to contribute in the success of the project.
This safe space implements cultural and social activities and an individual psychotherapy program for women and girls, that aims to improve their well-being and mental health, help them overcome their problems using several psychotherapeutic methods, in addition to providing them with drama and art therapy sessions with groups of women and girls exposed to gender-based violence.
The center is currently conducting awareness sessions on gender-based violence with adolescents through innovative and technical methodologies, in parallel with training the actors mentioned above on protection from gender-based violence, and on applicable laws and regulations.

Bourj Hammoud, Nabaa Bridge, behind the Armenian Red Cross building

How to reach us