El Zarif


El Zarif Health & Development Center

What We Do ?

El Zarif is located in the heart of the capital Beirut, and is considered a marginalized area, due the underdevelopment of different sectors.
El Zarif Health Center was established in 1972 by the Islamic Charitable Society of the Zaydiyah localities, and in August 2021 the center’s missions expanded in cooperation with Amel Association International as part of the program “enhancing access to a high-quality, comprehensive and flexible health care system (SAQIRH)”.
The objective of implementing the SAQIRH program is to meet a part of the needs of the people in the area, which have increased due to the explosion of the Port of Beirut and the deterioration of the economic and social conditions in Lebanon.
El Zarif Health Center as part of the Public Primary Health Network centers, provides many health programs to supports the maximum number of beneficiaries, including medical consultations (public health, Pediatrician, women,...), in addition to providing laboratory tests, vaccinations, and semi-free medications.
The center also provides awareness sessions on crucial health issues such as protection from the Covid19, raising awareness on breast cancer and providing people with the necessary information on early detection of chronic diseases.

El Zarif District, Istiklal Street

How to reach us