Education Field Coordinator Nataf3al – FTE – Education Program

Under Amel’s crisis response program and in coordination with the education program team, the education field coordinator will be responsible for the field implementation of the Nataf3al project in accordance with the project’s proposal, ensuring objectives are met within the required time frame. The Nataf3al project is implemented in consortium with three other partners and aims at ensuring students’ retention in public schools while building a “school community” approach.
The field coordinator will work under the supervision of the project coordinator, in close collaboration with the education department and other relevant colleagues from support and other sectors. The field coordinator will be based in Beirut with regular field visits to the project’s sites in Beirut Mount Lebanon and Bekaa regions.
Main responsibilities
Responsibility #1: Internal coordination
  • Participate in Amel’s weekly team meetings: share relevant updates, identify linkages with other
projects/sectors, contribute actively to the internal coordination;
  • Participate in the regular meetings with the Education Department: contribute to the design of
the program’s strategy, putting action points as per the prioritization plan;
  • Monitor contextual updates and engage in relevant coordination/information-sharing meetings
as required to inform the Amel’s Education Programs’ strategy;
  • Participate in other required internal
Responsibility #2: Collaboration, Networking
  • Ensure that partnerships are well maintained through continuous meetings, collaboration and coordination with partners on the field level in constant coordination with the project coordinator and the education coordinator;
  • Participate in all relevant meetings with the consortium’s partners;
  • Engage all relevant stakeholders in the project and develop the local network following the project’s conceptual framework “school community”: liaise with local communities, partners, Amel’s relevant staff to guarantee the smooth operation of the project in the different areas of
  • Participate actively in regional coordination meetings and/or working groups and share minutes with the Education
Responsibility #3: Projects Implementation 
  • Ensure that the implementation of project’s activities are in line with relevant outputs and outcomes in the different projects’ sites;
  • Organize coordination among and between the different project’s teams: identify common
challenges, gather suggestions and design action plans in a collaborative way;
  • Support and oversee the project’s teams with regular field visits (in particular Education Officers and Assistants): develop a coordination process at the school level to ensure efficiency, smooth collaboration, pleasant and constructive working relationships;
  • Provide technical guidance and supervise logistic aspects in the daily implementation of activities following safety measures and health protocols;
  • Share constantly the updates related to the project’s implementation with the project’s coordinator and contribute to design working plans (procurement plan, contingency plan, M&E plan, ).
Responsibility #4 Quality standards 
  • Ensure that recognized international best practices, Amel’s policies as well as methodologies developed by the Consortium are applied in the support provided to the children, the caregivers and the community members;
  • Ensure that the field teams have a clear understanding of the different referral pathways as well as the different services provided by Amel and other stakeholders in the area;
  • Assess performance, identify the gaps and the needs of capacity building with the field teams to ensure best practices: coordinate with the project coordinator and the education coordinator to bridge the gaps and respond to the training needs;
  • Ensure accountability to affected Collaborate closely with the Education Department in the creation and the monitoring of tools related to community mobilization and participation. Through satisfaction tools, obtain feedback from local communities, key stakeholders and staff in order to improve access to quality services.
  • Responsibility #5: Monitoring & Evaluation / Reporting
  • Ensure that the field teams have a clear understanding of the M&E plan (indicators, timeline, );
  • Create with the project coordinator and other staff from the Education Department as well as the field teams a system with clear division of tasks among the projects’ teams to ensure efficient collection of data and information at the school level;
  • Provide further information/clarification to the project coordinator, the M&E and other staff members to better inform the data analysis;
  • Write regular reports on the implementation of project activities for both internal and external Document all projects’ updates, actions plans and suggestions by email to record the projects’ progress;
  • Ensure all project working documents are submitted on time (Work plans, Report, data collection
  • …) and that data is collected on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis as per the M&E plan;
  • Ensure clear plans in place for evaluating the projects’ results in relation to the outcomes and
  • that lessons learnt are shared and capitalized on;
  • Share relevant suggestions to improve M&E methodologies throughout the project
  • May be asked to perform other related duties as identified by his
  • University degree in education, management administration or a relevant field
  • A minimum of 3-years working experience in the Humanitarian Sector, preferably in the Education Sector
  • Strong knowledge on the Lebanese Education system and the Non-Formal Education regulations
  • Good knowledge of core principles of Children Rights, Do No Harm, as well as Education in Emergencies minimum standards
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work in collaboration with multiple stakeholders and staff members
  • Fluent in English and Arabic (oral and written)
  • Experience in data gathering and analyses (Microsoft Office)
  • Sharing of key humanitarian values with cross-cultural sensitivity


End of 2023

Location: Bekaa


Friday, 16 December 2022