Call for proposal: « La Belle Saison au Liban 2017 »


Within the framework of the operation « La Belle Saison au Liban 2017 » organized by French Institute in Lebanon and following the activities of the Mobile Education Unit project implemented by Amel Association International and Les Enfants de la Mediterranée, Lebanese students in Arts departments are kindly invited to participate to a call for proposal which aims to create cultural workshops for Syrian refugee children living in South-Lebanon (Khiam Marjayoun area).

Every week, Amel’s Education Mobile Unit visits informal settlements of Khiam Marjayoun area to provide vulnerable children there with educational activities (homework support, remedial sessions, literacy courses), recreational and cultural activities (handicrafts, theatre, etc.), as well as psycho-social support (psychological consultations and awareness sessions with parents).

We are looking for a creative candidate to implement artistic and pedagogic workshops with these children, in order to enhance their ability to express their creativity and to share their dreams, hopes, apprehensions and the difficulties they face in their everyday life.

Within this context:

  • Your project will consist in a cycle of 20 workshop sessions (twice per week, from 8am to 12pm), that should be implemented between September 1st and November 15th 2017.

  • You will work in the informal settlement of Marj el Khoh, in which more than 200 children from 7 to 14 years old are living.

  • Based on the needs of your project, please specify which age-group and number of children the project targets, (it can be either one same group for the whole duration of the project, or different groups per session/per month etc).

  • Each project must carry a strong pedagogical and psychosocial / Art therapy dimension.

  • Projects are free to choose the technique or discipline used (drawings, paintings, collage, graffiti, videos, photography…)

  • As the workshop will be implemented in parallel to the Mobile Education Unit activities, Amel field staff (Social Worker, Psychologist, Teachers, Animators) will be present to facilitate the workshop and ensure the best possible collaboration between you and the children.

After a selection by the jury, the winner of the competition will receive the budget needed for the creation of the project, the transportation to the Informal Settlements and a prize of $2,000. Moreover, the display of those workshops will be exposed under the arcades of the Espace des Lettres of French institute of Beirut (Damascus road – Beirut) between the 20th of November and the 8th of December 2017, within the framework of the operation la Belle Saison au Liban 2017.

How to apply

  • Send your completed form before Sunday the 20th of August 2017 at midnight to the following address: [email protected]

  • The form should be written in French or English

  • Please also attach a CV alongside a portfolio or documents showing your previous artistic work and experience.