Amel team celebrating the Global Dignity Day


“Home is where your DIGNITY is embraced and respected”!

Together, 15 of Amel Association International’s Volunteers and the communication team held a “Dignity Teaching Workshop” within the framework of The Global Dignity Day celebration!

This event was an occasion to highlight the importance of human dignity in everyday practices, within Amel’s development centers and the personal life of each participant.

Besides sharing stories and experiences, and shedding the light on Amel’s main mission of: “Ensuring the dignity of all humans regardless of their background”, all participants will be organizing a similar activity with a group of young people in their local communities, to spread the message and celebrate the importance of this value in societies.

The shared stories focused on highlighting the 5 Dignity Principles provided by Global Dignity campaign, as follows :

Our work is guided by a simple set of principles, that every person:

  • Has the right to pursue their purpose and meaning in life, and to reach their full potential.
  • Deserves to live in societies that provide humane access to education, health, income and security.
  • Has their life, identity and beliefs respected by others.
  • Has the responsibility to create the conditions for others to fulfill their potential, acting to strengthen the dignity of others, building a foundation of freedom, justice and peace for this, and future generations
  • Believes that dignity in action means standing up against injustice, intolerance and inequality.

Let’s remember that #DIGNITY is a #RIGHT !

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’

Article 1 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights