Mohanna: “We call on the government to issue an urgent appeal to brotherly and friendly countries to stand by Lebanon in facing the humanitarian disaster”

Amel Association International announced that its field teams, mobile clinics, and centers have been on the highest alert. They are participating in the emergency response to the catastrophic humanitarian situation in several areas, including South Lebanon, the Bekaa, and the southern suburbs. The association affirmed that it will not abandon the people it has been serving, will not close its centers, and will not hesitate to assist.

The association pointed out that it is working to coordinate the response at multiple levels within the network of voluntary organizations in Lebanon and collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs, the Disaster Management Authority, and international organizations to mobilize both public and official solidarity with the people of Lebanon and respond to the humanitarian disaster we are witnessing.

While the association’s field teams have begun assessing needs in collective shelters (within schools) and affected areas, other teams are supporting people who were forced to leave their homes, assisting them on the streets, in public squares, and within the association’s centers and mobile clinics. Currently, they are working on securing food aid to distribute to collective shelters. The plan has been set in motion through Amel’s 40 centers, 12 mobile clinics, and 1,800 workers under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

The president of the association, Dr. Kamel Mohanna, commented on the situation, stating: “Amel, which has sacrificed martyrs and the wounded throughout Lebanon’s many emergencies, will not hesitate today to do everything possible to ensure that the rights and dignity of the people are protected in the face of Israeli aggression that does not recognize humanitarian laws. Israel, which is committing systematic genocide in Gaza, has not stopped yet and will not as long as it remains unaccountable for its actions. It continues to target healthcare facilities, humanitarian institutions, and workers in this sector, but this will not intimidate us, as our humanitarian duty takes precedence over everything else. At its core, Amel is about sacrificing for the advancement of humanity and society.”

He added: “We call on the international community to assume its responsibilities regarding international and humanitarian laws and the global peace that is being threatened by Israeli aggression on Lebanon and Gaza. We also salute the Lebanese community, which has shown a spirit of solidarity in all regions, as only the unity of society can protect the country from fragmentation, division, and collapse.”

Mohanna further urged the government to file a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Human Rights Committee, and all relevant legal bodies to hold Israel accountable for its war crimes against civilians, healthcare facilities, and emergency services, in violation of all international conventions and laws. He also called on the government to issue an urgent appeal to all brotherly and friendly countries to support Lebanon and provide relief and humanitarian aid to address the severe economic and living conditions Lebanon is currently facing.