Amel Association International, a prominent humanitarian organization founded by Dr. Kamel Mohanna, is issuing an urgent call for support in light of the escalating attacks by the Israeli Occupation Forces affecting Lebanon. With a legacy spanning over four decades, Amel is renowned for its unwavering commitment to human dignity and has been at the forefront of relief efforts during Lebanon’s most challenging crises. Today, that mission continues with renewed urgency.

Dr. Kamel Mohanna, President and Founder of Amel Association International, along with a dedicated team of over 1,500 volunteers and workers, extends a heartfelt plea to all partners, friends, and the international community to mobilize immediate assistance. The lives of countless individuals are at risk, and support is critically needed to provide medical care, shelter, food, and essential supplies to those who need it.

“Our people are suffering, and their needs are immense. We cannot stand by as innocent lives are torn apart,” said Dr. Mohanna. “The resilience of the Lebanese people is remarkable, but they cannot face this alone. We urgently appeal to all our friends and partners to show solidarity and support during this dark hour.”

Amel has been a beacon of hope for Lebanon’s most marginalized populations, providing over one million free health, educational, and social services annually through its 25 centers nationwide. However, the current situation has strained the organization’s capacity, and without increased external assistance, Amel’s ability to meet the growing needs on the ground will be significantly compromised.

Lebanon has been severely impacted by a prolonged economic and political crisis, the devastating explosion at the Port of Beirut, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and five years of an ongoing economic collapse that has driven poverty to alarming levels. Many families struggle to survive, and the current conflict only exacerbates these challenges.

Any further escalation of this Israeli aggression against Lebanon would have disastrous consequences for everyone in Lebanon, particularly for families from villages and towns in the south and the Bekaa Valley in Eastern Lebanon, who have been forced to flee their homes. These newly displaced individuals join the 112,000 people who have been uprooted since October 2023.

How You Can Help

Amel Association calls on individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide to contribute to its emergency relief efforts. Donations will be directed toward life-saving initiatives, including:

  • Emergency medical and healthcare services for injured civilians
  • Food and water distribution to displaced families
  • Provision of shelter and essential supplies for those left homeless
  • Psychological support for children and families impacted by the trauma

In the face of this overwhelming need, no contribution is too small. Every donation can make a tangible difference in saving lives and helping rebuild shattered communities.

For those wishing to contribute, donations can be made through Gofundme or by contacting Amel directly at Amel’s Headquarters, Abu Chakra Street, Mousseitbeh, Beirut. Phone: +961 (0)1 317 293 / +961 (0)1 317 294 Fax: +961 (0)1 305 646. Email: Amel’s commitment to transparency ensures that all funds will be allocated efficiently and effectively to those in greatest need.

About Amel Association International

Founded in 1979, Amel Association International is a Lebanese non-profit, non-sectarian organization that has consistently championed human rights, peacebuilding, and social justice for all. With its extensive network of centers, Amel provides health, education, and social support services, focusing on the most vulnerable communities in Lebanon. Over the years, Amel has received numerous international accolades for its work, solidifying its role as a key player in the global humanitarian landscape.