Meet a 79-year-old gentleman who has been a cherished member of our Ain el Remmeneh Center community for years. Twenty-five years ago, he lost his hearing and, due to financial difficulties, could not afford a hearing aid. He often reached out to us, holding onto hope that an NGO could help.
Thanks to the incredible support from AFD – Agence Française de Développement , we recently introduced new services at our center, including provision of hearing aids. When we informed him, he came in with a mix of hope and nervous anticipation.
The moment he received his hearing aid was unforgettable – he heard for the first time in 25 years! The joy and gratitude in his eyes were beyond words. He can now reconnect with the world around him and live a normal life again.
This is the impact we strive for every day at Amel Association International – making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.
This story, along with many others, is finally being told and upheld through the efforts of Amel Association International, under the AFD-supported SAQIRH project, in partnership with Médecins du Monde – Lebanon Mission أطباء العالم and Première Urgence Internationale Lebanon .
The primary objective remains to provide quality and inclusive health services to all.