“Sawa ! Parrainons un enfant syrien”. Launching of the sponsorship campaign !


Why #Nolostgeneration? 

Propulsé par HelloAsso

The Syrian crisis in Lebanon is above all a crisis of childhood and youth: in 2018, more than 1.2 million children in Lebanon, including more than 500,000 Syrians, are considered vulnerable. 

Among Syrian children, only 48% of children were enrolled in school in 2016-2017. But for these children, the fight does not stop there because they meet major difficulties to remain in school, because of the accumulated delay, the many traumas and discriminations undergone in the school and the economic difficulties of the families. 

The school failure rate and the risk of dropping out of this population are therefore critical. 

This situation threatens a generation, deprived of its right to education and at the same time its future, even though this generation is the only hope of the region when it comes the time of reconstruction. As we know, education is the first bulwark against extremism, social misery and violence. 

 What is sponsorship?

Since 2014, thanks to our generous donors, the educational sponsorship program aims to offer educational and psychosocial support to Syrian refugee children living in the southern suburbs of Beirut, one of the areas the most affected by the consequences of the Syrian crisis in Lebanon . 

Our goals are to help these children, especially at risk of failure or dropping out of school, to help them integrate, maintain and succeed in the education system Lebanese. With your support, Amel wishes to support the following activities: 

  • Three times a week, educational teams receive 150 Syrian children between the ages of 7 and 14, conduct support sessions school, thematic lessons as well as cultural and recreational activities: drawings, handicrafts, dance or puppets, yoga, etc …
  • Throughout the year, the psychosocial monitoring of children is provided by a school psychologist, for children the mors affected (mourning or trauma, self-confidence issues, cases of harassment or abuse, cognitive or psychomotor disorders).
  • The project team offers parent and child awareness sessions around a variety of topics (copyright Man, nonviolent communication and conflict resolution of everyday life, the importance of access to education, mutual respect, etc.), to better include parents in the education of their children and to foster a healthy environment for the development of these children.

  • This program is more than an action, it’s a message! From now on, make yourself ambassadors of this sponsorship program with your community, your friends, your associations …

  • You can make it all possible ! Each donation will provide these children with hope for a better life. With a monthly donation of 25 euros, you give the possibility to a child to be taken care of three times a week in the Amel center. Your support is essential !
  • Their right to education: our duty all !

Propulsé par HelloAsso