Field visit and Conference, December 6th and 7th 2018, Lebanon Ending exclusion of the most vulnerable: Solidarity, Humanity and Dignity with persons in exile


BEIRUT, LEBANON, December 2018 – Amel Association International (Amel – and Samusocial International (SSI – will organize a field visit and a conference entitled “Ending exclusion of the most vulnerable : Solidarity, Humanity and Dignity with persons in exile”. These events will gather more than 100 Euro-Mediterranean stakeholders including institutions, researchers and civil society representatives. They are taking place with the contribution of Amel France, Un Ponte Per, Fonds Xavier Emmanuelli and the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation.

The field visit will be organized on Thursday December 6th 2018, in South Lebanon, Sabra and Chatila and Beirut. It will give the participants the opportunity to discover solidarity initiatives implemented with persons in exile, including social and medical centers, medical, education and protection mobile units.

The conference will take place on Friday December 7th 2018 at the Institut Français du Liban, in Beirut. The program is available online here.

The discussions during the conference will be related to the topics highlighted during the field visit: persons in situations of street, “precarisation” of access to reception conditions, social exclusion, and protection framework in addition to persons with severe and specific vulnerabilities.

The conference and the field visit will be an opportunity to discuss the framework and actions which will contribute to overcoming exclusion of all vulnerable individuals with various actors and speakers. They will also aim to take into account the actors’ testimonies in the aim of strengthening solidarity, humanity and dignity of persons in situation of exile, in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

These two events are held after three seminars organized by Amel and SSI in Paris, Athens and Rome, in 2017 and 2018. These two events are taking place within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Movement of solidarity with persons in exile launched in Rome in June 2018 by Amel Association International and Samusocial International.

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