Amel & UNFPA: Together to Prevent Child Marriage, GBV and to Promote Family Planning


On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the UNFPA operations in Lebanon, Zeina Mohanna, Head of the Human Rights department in Amel Association International, explains  how much Gender Based Violence (GBV)  and Reproductive Health (RH) program, benefits from the adoption of a peer-to-peer approach.

Beneficiaries are trained to become focal points for other beneficiaries, building in this way the trust that led to remarkable results. “We reached out to more than 90 women, men and girls trough training of trainers,” Zeina Mohanna explains. “Later, they were able to reach out to 11,500 beneficiaries in 81 informal settlements (ITS), and that the inclusion of man and boys in the program resulted in seeing men actively defending women’s rights and protection at all levels.”

Watch below Zeina Mohanna’s interview as part of UNFPA’s  video  for the  occasion of its 25th anniversary of operations in Lebanon.

Amel Association is implementing a Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Reproductive Health (RH) program in its centers in Lebanon, in partnership with UNFPA.